Comments on: ANA Tests and Lupus Health Info on Lupus Symptoms, Treatments & Research Sun, 14 Feb 2021 01:34:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marie Sun, 14 Feb 2021 01:34:34 +0000 CRP 9.7
ANA Titer <1:40 ANA pattern none detected
DNA (ds) Ab, Crithidia IFA POSITIVE
DNA (AB) (DS) Crithidia Titer 1:40, Titer H (<1:10)
Rheumatoid factor 14
SM Antibody negative
SM/RNP Antibody negative
Sjogren’s Antibody SS-A 4.1 POSITIVE
Sjogren’s Antibody SS-B negative
SCL negative
I know I definitely will be diagnosed with Sjogren’s, my mouth is dry and peeling with inflamed gums.(can lupus cause the same mouth symptoms?). I have noticed last year when I was in the sun a lot I had an uncontrolled itchy rash on my arms. Can high platelets also indicate lupus? I appreciate any feedback on my current blood work. Do you think I might have lupus?
Thank you!

By: jennifer mulligan Tue, 26 Jan 2021 17:15:31 +0000 i have a postive ANA 1:80 and negative in all the subtypes. I have other high inflammation markers that fluctuate alot like my CRP an HS-CRP, elevated D-dimer that fluctates, high CK that fluctuates, fatigue, joint pain, osteoarthritis that is creating bone spurs in many joints, headaches, random 99 fevers, red rashes in the sun especially on thighs. no one can figure out why my inflammation levels do this, i do not have a Lupus diagnosis…no one knows whats the 38. i wish i knew

By: Jennifer Sat, 19 Sep 2020 13:34:42 +0000 I have had my ANA tested 3 times. 2 times it was 1:160 and 1 time negative. My double stranded anti-DNA is negative but my c4 was a 13 and ch50 a 33 . I have also tested positive for cardiolipin antibodies when he did blood work to ID it my IGM AB was at a 56.2 My sed rate has always been low at a 8.
I have no idea still what is going on with me, I’ve had severe fatigue along with joint and muscle pain for over 10 years I have tachycardia involvement with my heart that the cardiologist doesn’t know why. Multiple constant UTIs that lead into kidney infections in the blink of an eye I do have the butterfly rash it seems to show more on my face the worse I feel. I’m just lost and confused I’m so tired of not knowing what’s going on with me

By: Jennifer Haggard Sun, 26 Jan 2020 00:08:39 +0000 My ANA titter is 2560 (yes 2560). Chronic low RBC. High ESR. Severe joint inflammation. Last 3 years hematuria and Proteinuria (both unexplained and kidney infection without micro growth). Skin lesions. Hair loss. Fluid retention. Extreme fatigue. Among a list of other symptoms and flagged results worsening over last 3 years. First symptom 20 years ago (butterfly rash with photosensitive hives rash’s). And the Rheumatologist DX -Undifferentiated mixed tissue disease because she didn’t want to label me with Lupus yet! Why is it so difficult to get straight answers? Plaquenil helped at 3-4 months and now I’m getting worse again

By: Esmee La Fleur Mon, 02 Sep 2019 18:00:04 +0000 In reply to Stephanie.

You need the AVISE panel. John’s Hopkins also says the those with a negative ANA all have a positive Anti-SSA/Ro.

By: Leslie Winston Hammon Wed, 28 Aug 2019 21:55:25 +0000 I was diagnosed with SLE thirty-five years ago at age thirty, although I had been symptomatic since age twelve. My lupus prep test came out positive. I then went to a rheumatologist and my ANA was negative but the double stranded anti-DNA test was positive. It remains positive to this day and recently I have been diagnosed with Lupus nephritis stage three. Anyone here have a similar experience? I have never had a positive ANA test result. Dietary and treatment suggestions other than steroids please. I have a psychotic reaction to steroids.

By: brett Tue, 05 Mar 2019 15:10:37 +0000 In reply to Stephanie.

Hello! According to the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center, about 2% of people with lupus will have a negative ANA. The diagnostic criteria does rely heavily on the ANA, but a negative ANA is possible and it may fluctuate over time.

By: Stephanie Tue, 26 Feb 2019 16:11:20 +0000 What if you have all the symptoms and a negative ANA? Your symptoms are relieved with Hydroxychloroqine.
