Comments on: Overcoming Difficulties Maintaining Employment with Lupus Health Info on Lupus Symptoms, Treatments & Research Wed, 14 Jul 2021 06:10:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kaitlin Wed, 14 Jul 2021 06:10:28 +0000 I am a female apprentice in a male dominated construction union. I work on a small crew with one foreman and 2 journeymen. I have been at this job for almost 2 months now and have had to call in sick 3 times. I have not disclosed my diagnosis but am wondering if I should to explain my absences so they don’t think I am lazy and/or not commited, disrespectful, etc… however I am worried to do that because, as a woman, I am already considered not as capable as my male peers by many (untrue and ill work side by side with any male apprentice to prove it). I was just diagnosed and have been working with my team of doctors (thank you union health care benefits) and I am confident I can, now that I know what it is, manage my illness. I am so dedicated to my work that I will do whatever it takes. I have quit smoking and am taking good care of myself, taking the meds as prescribed, staying in contact with my doctor, and reading up on lupus a ton. I want to convey this to my employers if I disclose this to them. It feels like a risk though. I dont know my foreman very well and I am still new to the local (almost a 3rd year) I want to establish a stellar reputation and thats why I want to explain my absences. But on the other hand, should I not say anything and just move on, doing my best? I am worried if my company finds out I have a chronic illness they will value me less (since being female is still widely considered a handicap in this industry). Anyone have any advice for me about any of this? I am so grateful for the opportunity my union has given me, I feel privileged and honored to be a part of a labor union, our values are extremely important to me and I take none of this lightly. I love my job and my crew and boss have been awesome to me. I feel like I have let them down so I want to explain whats going on, but I think it may hurt me.

By: Rosemary Golia Sat, 06 Feb 2021 02:08:59 +0000 Having a schedule problem at work. Changed my shift to 5:00 am – 2:00pm. I was working grom 7:00am -4:00pm. I have stress with this shift because i have to be up at 3:00am to leave at 4: 00 to get to work on time. Im so fatigued and in pain from this time change. Also fearful of losing my job if i complain.

By: Robin Ayers Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:08:03 +0000 I’m a school teacher and my lupus seems to stay flared up now. I can’t really change much in my classroom. What do I do.

By: Julie patrimonio Wed, 20 Jan 2021 01:32:08 +0000 I was diagnosed with CNS lupus and have a stroke i can’t walk unaided .

By: Scarlet Fri, 08 Jan 2021 09:24:13 +0000 It’s hard for people diagnosed with lupus to handle things in life while having to strive against it at the same time, not to mention day by day. I wish that a better remedy would soon be invented so that everyone can enjoy life to the fullest.
