

Over the Counter Medications, Interactions, and Lupus
Many Lupus Warriors rely on over the counter medications to control their symptoms, but be…
Autoimmune Hypophysitis
What is Autoimmune Hypophysitis?
Autoimmune hypophysitis is a chronic inflammation of the pituitary gland that can happen alongside autoimmune…
Mindfulness and Lupus by Dr. Donald Thomas
The light bulb moment for a rheumatologist. This is a contributor article by Dr. Donald…
Bone Marrow Therapy and Lupus
As the home of the stem cells that produce blood and immune system cells, bone…
Disability Assistance Tools and Lupus
Disability assistance tools can be a game changer for people with lupus, far beyond crutches,…
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T Cells, the Immune System, and Lupus
T cells are important components of the immune system, but also of autoimmune disease. Regulating…
Reflexology, Massage, and Lupus
Reflexology is a type of special massage used by Lupus Warriors to combat pain and…
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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Fertility, and Lupus
Fertility problems are common. Some women turn to in vitro fertilization to help get pregnant.…
Xerostomia, Dry Mouth, and Lupus
Many people with lupus experience abnormally dry mouths, and this symptom is more than just…
Talking to Your Family About Lupus: Tips & Tricks
Lupus has the potential to affect every area of your life, and many people find…