Cenerimod is a new medication being developed by the company Idorsia. It is an agonist and modulator for the Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor, or the S1P1 receptor.
A receptor is a part of the body’s cells that can receive particular body chemicals, such as hormones or neurotransmitters. This is how the body “communicates” with itself. When one chemical attaches to a receptor, it triggers the release of additional chemicals in a particular chain 🔗
S1P1 is a receptor involved in immune-system modulation. Lupus experts suspect that modulating the activity of this receptor will provide benefit for the management of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Cenerimod offers new hope as compared to other immune system suppressing drugs because it uses a novel mechanism of action. It blocks the release of lymphocytes, a subtype of white blood cell found in the immune system.
Current research has focused on adults. But, the results are promising. Company representatives presented their work at the 2019 American College of Rheumatology Annual Conference. And, Idorsia received a Fast Track designation from the FDA to support the development and potential approval of the drug.

Understanding the clinical trial process
Clinical trials are a process to ensure both safety and efficacy of new medications. These clinical trial steps are known as phases.
The Phase 1 study showed that Cenerimod was able to lower the amount of lymphocytes. It was also able so sustain the decrease.
Next, the Phase 2 study evaluated dosages and compared the medication effect to a placebo. Some adverse events occurred including decreased pulmonary function. But, the results of the study were promising. Cenerimod reduced lymphocytes at the various dosages. Lymphocyte production returned to normal levels when the medication was discontinued.

A deeper look at the methods
The study design for the Phase 3 trial is:
- Multicenter
- The study occurs at more than one medical center or institution.
- This is important for researching rare diseases like lupus, as it allows the trial to reach people where they live and doesn’t require undue travel. The lack of centralization can make organization difficult.
- Randomized
- Participants assigned to their group randomly
- Double-Blind
- In a blinded trial, participants do not know whether they were given the trial’s treatment or placed into the control group.
- In a double-blind, neither the researchers nor the participants know who is in the treatment or control group until the study is over. This practice helps to eliminate any effect that the researcher’s behavior may have on the results.
- Placebo-Controlled
- A placebo is a non-active compound with a similar route of delivery as the medication. For Cenerimod, an orally taken drug, the placebo would also be taken by mouth.
- Placebo studies may include “standard of care” comparisons. Participants remain on their current treatment plan and receive the new medication as an add on.
- Comparisons can also be made to a similar drug that does similar things in the body, to see if the new treatment is more effective (or less dangerous).
- Parallel Group
- One group takes the treatment and the other group takes the control. Less commonly, you can have “crossover” trials, where the two groups undergo the same treatments – but in a different order.
22 thoughts on “Cenerimod: A Potential New Lupus Medication”
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Plaquenil and benlysra not working. How long till approved
Any chance it will be available any time soon ?
The am interested in being part of a clinical trial
i would like to try his drug
When will it be available
I would like to try this new drug.
I would like to get more information and could it treat pyoderma as well.
What are the side effects?
I am presently on Hydroxychloroquine and mycophenolate treating my lupus.
I am interested in this drug
I want to try.
I’m very interested in more information on this drug my Lupus has more bad days than good and my current treatment isn’t working very well.
I have been on every medication possible and nothing is working now. I was diagnosed over 15 years ago.
I would like to try this.
I am interested in knowing more about this drug & if I could be considered for this trial.
I wonder then does this only work for SLE patients with historically high lymphocyte levels on blood tests?
I have not been able to stsy on any antiinflammatory medication. I desperstely need something time assist in controlling flares.
Very interesting, hope it is available soon.
Will this help patients with both lupus and psoriatic arthritis?
I, too, am interested. In the Trial, in the medication… Please keep those interested in these comments, informed 🙂
I have had my medication changed from Methotrexate to Mycophenolate and I know very little about Mycophenolate they put me on this medication after a really bad flare, the worst I have ever had and I feel like I’m getting worse.I have had SLE for 21years.does anyone have any advice.