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Setting goals is an integral aspect of staying motivated and consistent in your lupus treatment. Identifying and setting goals is essential, and your goals should be broken up into smaller, more manageable steps.

2020 was a different and difficult year for everyone, but especially for Lupus Warriors. We want to hear about your progress and what you’ve set your sights on for 2021!

Check out this month’s Q&A Forum!

In this month’s LupusCorner Q&A Forum, Lupus Warriors share how they’ve adapted their goals from last year and what steps they will take to push for new objectives!


Positives of Isolation

I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

2/5 (disagree)

What are your health goals for 2021?

To exercise with online video 3 x’s a week or more.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

Last year i was going to an exercise facility for Sr Fitness classes, now I’m doing them on youtube. Honestly, I’m in better condition than with what I was doing.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

I put “exercise” on my phone calendar everyday, and if I don’t do it, I delete it, plus my phone and watch will keep track of it. Right now I’m averaging around 2 hours per week.

Jeannette T.

I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

3/5 (neutral)

What are your health goals for 2021?

Try to get more exercise, continue to eat healthy.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

I have moved to a Senior living community which allows me the opportunity to walk safely inside. Last year it was almost impossible to get any exercise for 2 reasons; my residence was not easy to get out of due to stairs I could not maneuver and the COVID lockdown kept me inside then and even now.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Setting a specific time to walk; purchasing healthy food items.


I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

3/5 (neutral)

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

Changed my eating! Changed my exercise!

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Exercising more and dieting!


Lizeth Santamaria

I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

5/5 (strongly agree)

What are your health goals for 2021?

To get stronger, stay consistent with my workouts and eating healthy, lower my BMI and body fat %, get off my lupus meds.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

Yes! They have grown. 🙂

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Actioning planning, learning, accountability, healthy habits.
lupus tip-person-12


I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

3/5 (neutral)

What are your health goals for 2021?

I’m hoping we have the right combination of drugs now. I’m doing pretty well and would like to not get any worse. keeping busy and resting when I need to are a big part of my day and I hope I can keep that up. Maybe get out a little more when we all get vaccinated and things calm down.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

Last year I just didn’t believe what was happening to my body. I tried to go on as I used to and would get very frustrated when I could not. Acceptance is a priority thus year.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Daily routine and trying to be positive. I tend to see the negative in everything.



I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

3/5 (neutral)

What are your health goals for 2021?

To try to be as healthy as I can be and to loose weight.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

I really had no goals last year, So this year going to do my best to stay on track.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Exercising, trying to walk, wearing my mask, (thanks covid-19) doing what the Dr says.

Janet M.

I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

3/5 (neutral)

What are your health goals for 2021?

Lose weight and lower sugar!

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

Walk more.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Got a Fitbit.

lupus tip-person-1

Teresita C.

I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

2/5 (disagree)

What are your health goals for 2021?

My main goal is to exercise more, even if for a short time.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

I have started writing down goals so that seeing them makes me feel more accountable.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Trying to move daily! Some days its harder than others but I push through!



I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

3/5 (neutral)

What are your health goals for 2021?

To work on increasing my mobility. Walking and standing up are a challenge for me.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

A year ago post Lupus Diagnosis I could walk stand up from A sitting position but now it is very difficult and some days I just don’t even try. My goals are day today.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Keeping a good attitude. Giving my self permission to rest more.



I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

4/5 (agree)

What are your health goals for 2021?

I want to spend time outside more frequently, and get back to daily exercise. I am also setting goals for more time spent awake and getting my sleep schedule more consistent.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

I had a goal at the start of last year to be more active in my church, which I could not follow through with because of the closures due to COVID. So this year my goals are centered around things I can do within my home environment. It has forced me to become more creative!

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

I am taking steps to research, and talk with my doctor about, ways to get more exercise from home. I am also looking into ways to keep my mind active, so I don’t feel so sleepy during the daytime.
lupus tip-person-13

Lupus Make Up Warrior

I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

3/5 (neutral)

What are your health goals for 2021?

To have my lupus nephritis more under control and have my kidneys working again.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

My goals have changed from last year but I’m trying to take it easy and not over push myself.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Slowly doing my assignments soo I can graduate.
lupus tip-person-12


I made progress on my health goals in 2020.

2/5 (disagree)

What are your health goals for 2021?

Become more healthier and prioritize myself over work.

How have you adapted your goals? How have they changed from last year?

Not really.

What steps are you taking to achieve your goals?

Diet changes and time management.

Looking for previous Q&A Forums?

Check out all the posts here

Comments (4)

4 thoughts on “Q&A Forum: Outlook for 2021

  1. What kind of vitamin & mineral and how many milligrams how many times a day do you take it? With food/without food. Thank you if this helps me you will be my hero. Truly. I feel like🤬💩. Will you please put LUPUS HELP in all caps in the subject line so I know it’s safe to open? Thank you again👏😘🥰

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