The World Health Organization is an international organization dedicated to improving the health of people all over the world through education, aid work, & research.
Who is the WHO? (For once, I’m not talking about the rock opera writing, legendary band!) The World Health Organization is a massive organization that brings together groups from all over the world including:
- researchers
- scientists
- bankers (including the World Bank)
- governmental agencies
- medical professionals
- and many more people
The WHO aims to address all aspects of human health, both mental and physical. They hold the belief that “Everyone should have access to the health services they need without being forced into poverty when paying for them.” And, you may already know about them because of their work with Ebola and Zika in 2016.
However, they run programs all over the world combatting just about any disease or health-related problem you could possibly think of. Their work includes:
- Aging
- Nutrition
- Suicide prevention
- Heart Disease and Stroke
- Workplace Health
- Pollution and the environment
- Cancer
- Traditional and alternative medicine research
- Autoimmune diseases (including lupus)
They also study and standardize medicine usage for many diseases, publish educational resources, and keep a list of current medications here.
The World Health Organization is active in over 150 countries. World Health Day, an effort to raise awareness for health initiatives, is on April 7th.