Stress Management
Positive Affirmations and Lupus
Positive affirmations and positive thinking are two powerful strategies that can help Lupus Warriors...
Stressors and Lupus: Management Techniques
Stress affects everyone and it can cause major health changes, particularly for...
A Mental Health Professional Answers the Top 4 Questions
You're a lupus pro. You know when to call your rheumatologist, dermatologist, or your PCP. But when do you call for mental health support? Making the decision to reach out to a mental health professional, and following through with contacting someone, is a big step. We had more questions than answers...
Acupuncture, Pain Reduction, & Lupus
Looking for strategies to help battle pain and fatigue without more medications? Alternative treatments like acupuncture may offer support to Lupus Warriors. The goal of lupus treatment can vary between clinicians and people living with lupus. A recent study found that...
Art Therapy, Stress Management, and Lupus
Feeling overwhelmed from lupus or the daily grind? Art therapy may offer stress relief and a non-verbal outlet. Stress is a well-known trigger when it comes to lupus and other autoimmune diseases. During periods of high stress, both emotional and physical, people with lupus report increases in symptoms. And, research suggests...
Aromatherapy, Stress Management, & Lupus
More than just cold weather -- the winter can be a stressful time. Aromatherapy may be a low-risk, stress management strategy for Lupus Warriors. By now, you're probably heard it dozens of time: stress and lupus do not mix. But, with the challenges of life and lupus, stress can be...
Expressive Writing Therapy: Lupus Benefits
A good story can transport us to a new world. And, research suggests that writing therapy, directed writing on specific topics, can help battle the stress & symptoms of lupus. At times, it can feel as though your brain is running wild. Many people, if not most, experience intrusive thoughts and replay troubling moments over...
Trauma & PTSD Increase Lupus Risk 3x
Stress can lead to lupus flares & a lower quality-of-life. But, new research suggests trauma and PTSD may even increase the risk of developing lupus. The link between stress and lupus symptoms is nothing new -- though that doesn't make it any easier to manage stress. Previous research has shown...
Massage Therapy for Lupus & Fibromyalgia
While the name "massage therapy" is relatively new, the healing power of touch has been used for thousands of years. In fact, there are references to massage therapy in ancient writings from India, Egypt, Japan, China, & Mesopotamia. Perhaps the earliest depiction of massage comes from the Tomb of Akmanthor ("The...
Green Tea Benefits for Lupus Disease Activity
A new study found benefits of drinking green tea for people with lupus, including reduced disease activity. Green tea originated in China and is made from Camellia sinensis leaves. These same leaves are used to make oolong and black tea, as well. But, for those teas, the leaves must go through a withering and oxidation...
Music, Reactions to Stress, & Lupus
Stress and lupus do NOT mix. Can listening to your favorite jam help? Check out the research on the power of music. We all know that stress can makes things worse. A prospective study published in 1994 by Da Costa, D., et. al, found that major life stressors in the previous...