Stress can lead to lupus flares & a lower quality-of-life. But, new research suggests trauma and PTSD may even increase the risk of developing lupus.
The link between stress and lupus symptoms is nothing new — though that doesn’t make it any easier to manage stress. Previous research has shown decreases in reported quality-of-life and increases in lupus flares in response to life stressors.
Now, new research is exploring the links between psychosocial stresses and the development of autoimmune diseases. This is interesting because it suggests that stress might not only trigger symptoms in people currently battling lupus. Trauma, and the body’s stress response, may actually lead to an autoimmune disease.
This was suggested to me a long time ago, but never had anyone explain it as well as this. PTSD for 25 years and SLE has been sleeping in slowly after the last MAJOR trauma. Increasingly getting worse with higher stress factors. Thank you for this education.