
Garlic & Lupus: What Foods are Rich in Ajoene, Allicin, and Thiosulfinates?

Day-to-Day Living

Pre-Made Meals and Delivery Plans for Life with Lupus

Eating right can take a lot of time and money, but new...

Living with Lupus

Estrogen, Sex Hormones and Lupus (SLE)

Hormones, including the hormones associated with sex and sex expression, also impact...

Q&A Forum
New Articles
Day-to-Day Living

10 Challenges for Managing Lupus

Living with lupus means learning to overcome a wide range of challenges....

Day-to-Day Living

Swimming, Sun, and Lupus

Summer brings with it many fun activities for people with lupus, including swimming, that...

Day-to-Day Living

The Four Subgroups of Systemic Lupus

Although all Lupus Warriors stand together under the same banner,...


Lupus Retinopathy and Diagnosis

Retinopathy, damage to the retina, is one of the key early potential...

Diagnosis and Tests

Bone Marrow Therapy and Lupus

As the home of the stem cells that produce blood and immune system cells,...

Day-to-Day Living

Patient Self-Efficacy and Lupus

Medical compliance, or the proper use of prescribed therapies and medications, is important to...

Living with Lupus

Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome and Lupus

People with lupus can often have other autoimmune disorders as well. Because the different...


The Pancreas and Lupus

Although uncommon, lupus can attack the pancreas, an organ near the stomach that helps...

Living with Lupus

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Fertility, and Lupus

Fertility problems are common. Some women turn to in vitro fertilization to help get...

Lupus Symptoms

Vision and Eye Symptoms of Lupus

Vision problems are sometimes considered an early symptom of lupus, experienced by over 28%...

Living with Lupus

Hidradenitis Suppurativa and Lupus: Is there a link?

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is an autoimmune disease that sometimes occurs alongside lupus. Systemic Lupus...


Calcineurin Inhibitors and Lupus

Calcineurin inhibitors are important medications for lupus that are particularly important for people with...


Lupus Nephritis, Dialysis, and Flares

Lupus Nephritis: Do Flares Happen on Dialysis? Dialysis is a treatment for lupus nephritis that...


Vision and Lupus

Vision problems are sometimes considered an early symptom of lupus, experienced by over 28%...